Friday, 25 September 2009

It's so easy to publish your book today

In good old days it was only the 'chosen ones' who wrote and published books. When you submitted a manuscript for publishing, you would get a cold response - we will contact you after six months. Please do not contact us before that.

Today, anyone who choses to write and publish a book, he/ she can do it. I can tell this from my own experience.

I contacted the Amazon guys for their print on demand self publishing facility and they allocated me a publishing agent (John Rizzo); what followed was a step by step discipline.

Of course I have yet to see my 'baby' on Amazon; but I am sure it will appear on it one day.

The publicity description they wrote was wonderful (I am sure I would not be able to write it in similar finesse).

Just have a look how easy the flow of language is of what they created:

For every CEO and president who has ever wondered what can be done about employee attrition and dissatisfaction comes a not-so-implausible corporate tale of creative brainstorming and one CEO’s determination to effect change.

Can employee happiness be found on the way to Corporate Social Responsibility? Utilizing a John Galt-like character, author Prabodh Sirur gives us PN, a CEO who realizes that employee satisfaction is not linked to bonus programs or company picnics but is created by providing environments in which employees’ talents, skills, and passions can be discovered and unfolded.

In the Wonderland of Talent Management-A Corporate Fairy Tale is an innovative, inspirational work that puts forth the premise that employee self-fulfillment need not be a fantasy. It can, Sirur believes, be the key that leads to an increase in employee retention, improved community relations; and for a company, an increasingly positive image and improved bottom line.


Unknown said...

wow.. great news. In the Wonderland of Talent Management on Amazon.
Whats next ? waiting for second book.


Prabodh Sirur said...

Thanks for your comment, Ashutosh. Coming this from a celebrity like you is a real honour.

You asked me what next - my answer is to ask my producer friend if he sees a potential in the book to create a documentary around the the topic (may be for the corporate world)? So the ball is now in your court sir!

Also, someone from Pune asked me after reading the draft of my book, if I could set up a multiple intelligence environment in her school?

Lets see how far this goes; I see great opportunities openeing up. My India CEO was gracious to write a foreword for the book.

About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
My purpose is to manufacture success and happiness