Thursday, 27 October 2011

Collaborative painting

I found collaborative painting a great idea to create a unique gift for someone or an activity to break ice. Giving below some examples that I tried out:

This is when some 20+ senior managers including the India and France CEOs came together to create two paintings - a Monet and an Indian flavour. Most of the members had not painted after school days! The 100 minute painting exercise brought them closer. One of the paintings is now in our Paris office and the other in Bangalore.

van Gogh's "Sunflowers". Three of us created a birthday gift for our cousin. He just loved it.

van Gogh's 'Starry night" - This is the one when our senior was leaving and we were struggling to identify a suitable gift for him. My colleagues and I got together and created this. It is now a prize collection for my senior.

Try it out; one more idea on how to become immortal!


Ravinder said...

This is how much colorful the pallet was

Ravinder said...

A few more links to photos from the same day:


About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
My purpose is to manufacture success and happiness