Wednesday, 3 April 2024

The Art and Science of Happiness - Solved assignment - Week 1

Photo credit - Freepik

Tasks for the week

  • Do pre-class questionnaire
  • Do ‘Who Am I exercise’
  • Discuss why you are taking this course
  • Look at different definitions of happiness

Task 1 - Do pre-class questionnaire

(Note - This questionnaire is not available on MITOpenCourseWare website. This is a self created one)

Personal Information




Prabodh Sirur





Creator of study material for near and dear ones

Current level of well-being

How would you describe your current overall well-being on a scale of 1 to 10? (1 being low, 10 being high)


Parameters used for assessment

Well-being score

Average score

Emotional well-being



28/50 = 5.6

Emotional Regulation




Life Satisfaction


Social Support


Physical well-being



28/50 = 5.6

Physical Fitness


Sleep Quality


Digital Device Use (screen time)


Personal Hygiene


Occupational well-being

Work-Life Balance

NA since i am retired now


Alignment with Values

NA since i am retired now


NA since i am retired now

Workplace Relationships

NA since i am retired now

Compensation and Recognition

NA since i am retired now

Social well-being

Quality of Relationships


30/50 = 6.0

Support System


Community Engagement




Conflicts/ interpersonal skills


Spiritual well-being

Cultivation of Inner Peace


33/50 =6.6

Mindfulness and Presence


Connection to Something Greater


Values and Beliefs


Sense of Purpose


Intellectual well-being

Continuous Learning


36/50 = 7.2

Critical Thinking Skills


Intellectual Curiosity


Creativity and Innovation


Mental and Physical Balance


Environmental well-being

Environmental Consciousness


23/50 = 4.6 

Connection to Nature


Ecological Footprint


Environmental Stewardship


Quality of surroundings


Financial well-being

Financial Stability


30/50 = 6.0

Budgeting/ Financial Planning


Debt Management


Savings and Investments


Financial Literacy


Sexual well-being

Communication and Consent



Physical Health


Emotional Connection


Sexual Satisfaction


Safe Practices and Protection




Course Expectations

What motivated you to enroll in this course?



Personal growth


Stress reduction

Improve relationships

Professional development


Other (please specify)

I wish to undergo the course and then create a ready-to-use study material for my near and dear ones

Preferred focus area

What specific aspects of happiness are you most interested in exploring during this course? (source - Positive Psychology)


Mark X where applicable

Positive emotion (include hope, interest, joy, love, compassion, pride, amusement, and gratitude)

Engagement (Flow, a state when you lose sense of time doing a task)

Relationships (interactions with partners, friends, family members, colleagues, colleagues…. and their community at large)

Meaning (belonging to/ serving something greater than ourselves, having a purpose in life)


Accomplishments (A sense of accomplishment as a result of working toward and reaching goals, having self-motivation to finish what you set out to do)


Prior Knowledge

How familiar are you with the concepts of positive psychology and the science of happiness?


Familiarity* (Highlight your familiarity level)

Concepts/ understanding of Positive emotion (hope, interest, joy, love, compassion, pride, amusement, and gratitude)

Novice (Happiness Seeker)

Advanced Beginner (Happiness Enthusiast)

Competent (Happiness Navigator)

Proficient (Happiness Cultivator)

Expert Happiness (Sage)

Concepts/ understanding of Engagement (a feeling of Flow, a time when you lose sense of time)

Novice (Happiness Seeker)

Advanced Beginner (Happiness Enthusiast)

Competent (Happiness Navigator)

Proficient (Happiness Cultivator)

Expert Happiness (Sage)

Concepts/ understanding of Relationships (interactions with partners, friends, family members, colleagues, colleagues…. and their community at large)

Novice (Happiness Seeker)

Advanced Beginner (Happiness Enthusiast)

Competent (Happiness Navigator)

Proficient (Happiness Cultivator)

Expert Happiness (Sage)

Concepts/ understanding of Meaning (belonging to/ serving something greater than ourselves, having a purpose in life)

Novice (Happiness Seeker)

Advanced Beginner (Happiness Enthusiast)

Competent (Happiness Navigator)

Proficient (Happiness Cultivator)

Expert Happiness (Sage)

Concepts/ understanding of Accomplishments (A sense of accomplishment as a result of working toward and reaching goals, having self-motivation to finish what you set out to do)

Novice (Happiness Seeker)

Advanced Beginner (Happiness Enthusiast)

Competent (Happiness Navigator)

Proficient (Happiness Cultivator)

Expert Happiness (Sage)

* Mapping familiarity level to Dreyfus model of skill acquisition - 

Level 1 - Novice Happiness Seeker

  1. Characteristics: Limited understanding of what contributes to personal happiness.
  2. Exploration: Experimenting with various activities, relationships, and lifestyle changes to discover sources of joy
  3. Challenges: Lack of self-awareness regarding personal needs and preferences for happiness.

Level 2 - Advanced Beginner Happiness Enthusiast

  1. Characteristics: Gaining awareness of factors that contribute to happiness; initial positive experiences
  2. Development: Beginning to identify and prioritize activities and relationships that bring joy
  3. Challenges: Inconsistency in maintaining happiness; still navigating effective strategies.

Level 3 - Competent Happiness Navigator

  1. Characteristics: Developing a more consistent understanding of personal happiness; establishing effective practices
  2. Proficiency: Implementing regular habits and routines that contribute to sustained happiness
  3. Challenges: Balancing happiness practices with life challenges; occasional setbacks.

Level 4 - Proficient Happiness Cultivator

  1. Characteristics: A well-established understanding of personal happiness; adept at maintaining positive well-being
  2. Mastery: Demonstrating a high level of skill in incorporating happiness practices into daily life
  3. Challenges: Navigating external factors that may impact happiness; continuous refinement.

Level 5 - Expert Happiness Sage

  1. Characteristics: Mastery of happiness; profound self-awareness and ability to adapt to life's challenges
  2. Wisdom: Serving as a source of inspiration for others; offering guidance on sustained well-being
  3. Challenges: Navigating complex life situations while maintaining a high level of happiness and fulfillment.

Task 2 - ‘Who Am I’ exercise

(Note - This questionnaire is not available on MITOpenCourseWare website. This is a self created one)

Part 1: Identity Reflection



Roles (List three roles that are important to you e.g., parent, student, friend)

Friend, Parent, Global citizen

Cultural Background (Describe key aspects of your cultural background that have influenced your identity)

Brought up in a typical Indian family. Good value system.

Passions and Interests (List three activities or interests that bring you joy and fulfillment)

Impressionist paintings, Reading mainly non-fiction, cooking

Strengths (Identify and write down three personal strengths that you believe you possess)

Strengths as per Strengthsfinder - Ideation, Woo, Individualisation, Connectedness, Input

Part 2: Values and Beliefs



Core Values (Reflect on your core values. List three values that guide your decisions and actions)

Creativity, the world is a family, corporate citizenship

Beliefs About Success (What does success mean to you? Write down your beliefs about what constitutes a successful life)

Money, power and popularity are my success parameters.

Since I have none of these, I have defined my own goalposts of success.

My belief about success is, every single step that I take towards a goal

Philosophy of Life (In a sentence or two, articulate your personal philosophy of life)

(Philosophy means a set of beliefs that tries to explain the meaning of life or give rules about how to behave)

My philosophy is to be successful and happy using lot of creativity

Part 3: Life Experiences



Defining Moments (Recall two or three significant moments or experiences in your life that have shaped who you are today)

In my career, most of my bosses appreciated my work (mainly because I always loved my organisation and gave priority to my organisation’s well-being ahead of my personal life). I never planned my career because I left it to my bosses. This shaped my career.

I somehow have had a deep appreciation of the talents of my colleagues. This helped me have friends who made my work life exciting. This shaped my life.

A customer shared with me an article about Edward De Bono (somehow my customers always had a special love for me). I was so excited about this gift that I followed it up with devotion and ultimately studied lateral thinking from Peter De Bono in Oxford. This pursuit helped me shape my life 

Challenges Overcome (Describe a challenge or obstacle you have overcome and how it has impacted your personal growth)

Personal growth and self-discovery have been a big challenge for me for years.

I thought that self help books will help me. But I didn't have the discipline to follow the actions these books suggested.

Ultimately I overcame this challenge by writing my own self help book to suit my constitution 

Part 4: Looking Forward



Two short term personal or professional goals

Personal goal - 

Start my day at 5 AM

Have a complete calendar for the day and live by it

Professional goal -

Speak like a Jay Shetty

Popularise my ideas

Two long term personal or professional goals

Personal - 

Inspire others by living my life as defined in my book about success and happiness

Professional -  

Become an inspiration to people who seek to be successful and happy

Aspirations (What do you aspire to achieve or become in the future?)

Same as above

Task 3: Discuss why you are taking this course

Use the ‘Six thinking hats’ method for this discussion


Views/ impressions/ thoughts

White Hat

(Facts and Information)

Importance of the course, reputation of the course, benefits of studying the course …

The course is created by a world class institution viz. MIT

This course will help me create a strategy for living a happy life

Red Hat

(Emotions and Intuition)

Personal feelings, excitement, or concerns related to the course

It is so nice to know that there is a study course about happiness

Excited to join this course

It is surprising why the whole world is not happy when such material is made available free

Black Hat

(Critical Thinking)

Potential drawbacks or challenges associated with studying happiness e,g, skepticism, potential time commitments, or concerns about the practical applicability of the course

Will just studying for this course bring me happiness?

There are a million such courses.

The course may inhibit my creativity because I will have to do the study as per the syllabus

I may not agree with some thoughts/ principles included in the syllabus

I will not have a group studying this course because I am doing it alone. This will rob me of opportunity of meeting amazing people

Yellow Hat

(Positive Thinking)

Positive aspects and benefits of studying this course, exploring how the course could enhance well-being, personal growth, and contribute positively to various aspects of life

This course will help me understand happiness in a structured manner

I will get to study some serious research work done by world renowned researchers

Green Hat

(Creativity and Innovation)

New possibilities and opportunities, creative ways to integrate the course content into daily life, creative action plan, ideas for effective implementation of the plan

This course will open up new possibilities for me in my professional world such as creating study material about this course based on personal experience

The material can be used by so many of my friends who run training as a profession

Who knows, people may actually approach me to help them in implementing Happiness in their lives or in the lives of their people

In short, this course could create new business/ career opportunities for me 

Task 4 - Definitions of Happiness

What are different definitions of happiness?



Definition of happiness



Spiritual well-being and the pursuit of a relationship with God


Living a righteous life, practicing gratitude, and fulfilling religious obligations


Pursuit of knowledge, meaningful relationships, and a sense of purpose


Pursuit of spiritual knowledge, self-realization, and devotion


Ethical conduct, mindfulness, and mental discipline


Social harmony, ethical conduct, and fulfilling one's duties in relationships


Western Individualism

Personal achievement, autonomy, and self-expression

African and Native American Traditions

Community connections, shared traditions, harmony with nature, and a sense of belonging.

Music, dance, and communal celebrations as expressions of joy and happiness

Latin American Cultures

Strong social connections, vibrant celebrations, and family ties.

Expressing emotions, such as joy and warmth



Aristotle, in his work "Nicomachean Ethics," viewed happiness (eudaimonia) as the ultimate human goal. 

He defined it as the highest good and the fulfillment of one's potential, a state of living virtuously and in accordance with reason

Epicurus and

John Stuart Mill

Happiness is ataraxia (peace of mind) and aponia (absence of bodily pain)

Immanuel Kant

Living in accordance with moral law.

True moral worth is not contingent on the pursuit of happiness but on acting from a sense of duty


Carol Ryff

Autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations with others, purpose in life, and self-acceptance

Martin Seligman

Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

A mental state of  optimal experience and engagement  (Flow)

I asked a few of my friends and relatives their definition of happiness. This is their response. Beautiful ensemble of thoughts -

  1. Tough question !! I would say it's being globally satisfied with who you are, what you have and what you do. I read this in a book on psychology by Alfred Adler - happiness is a feeling of contribution, that “I am of use to someone”, The greatest unhappiness is not being able to like oneself
  2. Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you. - Ralph Marston
  3. Happiness is a state of the mind. Any achievement makes the person happy. A child might feel happy to have a good toy. A cricketer might feel happy to win the match. This happiness differs from person to person and from one situation to another. A philosopher or a theologist may define happiness differently. A rationalist may say it is a mirage. Real happiness is a permanent blissful state which comes to a person when he/ she has a matured mind after having a good experience of the material world
  4. Happiness works like blood thinner, makes life smoother. Doesn't allow growth of clots (problems). Helps provide oxygen to the brain and helps us solve problems. So daily have a dose of a pill of happiness.😃 Pill of happiness : Think of happy moments in life, things that give you happiness
  5. Happiness is being out in the open and walking in nature, on both sunny days, and during the hour to sunset. This last hour is the most calming time of the day. The ever changing light and colours of the sky and play of colors on clouds and silence broken only by bird sounds, is most calming and pleasurable. Happiness (and bliss!) is being surrounded by people who are happy and content with life and themselves
  6. Happiness is everywhere, in everything if you just open your eyes, ears and heart. Happiness is the sun on my face, it is hearing bird song on the tree outside my window, it is seeing the happiness the birds feel when they are splashing in the bath! Happiness is having the grandchildren calling you! Happiness is when my school children come running to hug me or want to share their food with me. Happiness is when my tailor stitches my dress well!!!  You know, happiness is just all around, but a lot of people prefer spending time crying over past/ present/ even imagined negativity. If this is not happiness, then what is?
  7. Relationships matter more than pots of money. I am content with a peaceful environment in our home, music and good food- rest all follows. Money does matter in a way, but need not be a lot of it- we can live simple, be self sufficient and be surrounded by a close knit family

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About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
My purpose is to manufacture success and happiness